Furniture First on Main - 336 S. Main St Shuttle Stop: 6 (Green Line) Neighborhood: Russell & Green Corporate Phone: 800.411.3477

Furniture First on Main

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Furniture First’s showroom features select products from our manufacturing partners and our best-selling private label mattress line. Furniture First is a member-owned, member-run cooperative buying group for full-line independent furniture retailers. For 30 years our members have received discounts and rebates, allowing them to stay competitive against big box retailers and ecommerce. In 2023 for every $1 invested in membership, on average our members netted $2.40 in returns; when they used our first look consumer financing program the returns were even greater - $247 net on average for every $1 invested in membership. Our focus on furniture makes it easy with more than 100 manufacturers offering our members opportunity buys, rebates and discounts, and more than 70 business service and marketing programs. Whether your merchandise mix trends to the value-focused customer, or the step-up design clients, chances are you will find value in our portfolio of alliances. Networking is as big a benefit to members as rebate checks. Since membership is geographically exclusive by representation (we don’t sell memberships to everyone in town), our members are not in direct competition and are willing to share their best ideas and advice with one another. To take the value of networking further, we facilitate four store owner performance groups, a store manager performance group, and a Next Gen group that helps prepare the next generation of owners to lead their family businesses.

Furniture First Launches Website, Announces Plans for New Building

Furniture First, a 30-year old cooperative buying group for independent furniture retailers, is opening a new showroom at 336 South Main Street in High Point. lists tenants and activities for the building.